

Welcome to the personal site of Tad Cordle! This is the home for my game dev portfolio/personal projects.

My latest big personal project is Sensorium, an open-world puzzle-exploration game about the 5 senses.

Yes, I know this website looks dated and ugly. But look how fast it is!

About Me

I started thinking about making games as early as 2001, when I was in the 1st grade, coming up with crazy ideas that I wanted to eventually be made into games. Eventually, I discovered Game Maker in 2004, which I used to build some really simple, shitty games (some of these early projects can still be found under "Old Game Projects" on my Projects page for the sake of... preserving history? Humor? You decide). Game Maker was my first experience with "programming", at first with drag-and-drop, and eventually with its GML scripting language.

I started learning how to properly program in late 2008, when I enrolled in a CS academy, where I learned languages such as Java, Visual Basic, and C#. I eventually picked up XNA Game Studio, which I was able to use to build a few small game projects with the help of my new programming skills.

I graduated high school and went to UMBC, where I majored in computer engineering. I also joined the school's Game Developers Club, where I developed an interest in not just game programming, but effective game design as well. Check out my projects page for more info on what I worked on as part of this club!

These days, I'm a full time gameplay programmer at Media Molecule, working on an unannounced project.