Game Jam Games

Here's a compilation of games I've made while participating in various game jams, such as Global Game Jam, UMBC's annual fall jams, and UMBC's summer hat jam*.

Good Dog (PC)While not actually a game jam project, I spent a week porting my Dreams game, Good Dog, to PC/web as a raylib learning exercise.
HueBots PrototypeThe prototype for HueBots that was made in XNA in about 48 hours.
Global Game Jam 2015 Simulator 2015Participate in a frantic 48-second game jam. Manage your time wisely or your game will be a failure!
Cult BusterPuzzle/adventure game made for Global Game Jam 2016. Infiltrate a cult and figure out what's going on.
Hover BuddiesRagdoll racing comedy game made during UMBC's summer "hat jam".
Wave PunchOnline multiplayer game where you ski around ala Tribes: Ascend. Wave at the people you meet to be friends, or punch them to start a fight.

* UMBC's 48-hour hat jam involves taking a set of assets built pre-jam and distributing them randomly among participants at the beginning of the jam. The participants then needed to use what they got in their games.